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Lapland UAS Master School, spring 2023: Digital Health Services and Health Promotion

Code: LAMS23K

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services and Health Care
Master of Sports Studies
Master of Health Care
Master of Engineering
Master of Business Administration
Master of Hospitality Management
Master of Social Services
Master of Natural Resources
Bachelor of Natural Resources

90 ects

1.5 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2023

Teaching language:
Finnish English

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 Spring
2. / 2023 3. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2024 3. / 2024

(Choose ects: 30)

25 - 30
Digital Health Services and Health Promotion

(Choose all)

YAMK126 Customer-Oriented and User-Centered Product and Service Development 5 5 5 5
YAMK127 Digital Services and Technology Solutions in Different Operating Environments 5 5 5 5
YAMK128 Welfare and Health Promotion 5 5 5 5
YAMK129 Effectiveness of Health Promotion 5 5 5 5
YAMK130 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 35)

5 - 35

(Choose ects: 35)

5 - 35
Research and Development Skills

(Choose 25)

0 - 25
YAMK141 Writing as an Expert 5

(Choose all)

Master's Thesis

(Choose all)

YAMK063 Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10 10 10 10
YAMK064 Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10 10 10 10
YAMK065 Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10 10 10 10
Total 90 25 30 25 20 10 25 0 20 10 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Customer-Oriented and User-Centered Product and Service Development
Digital Services and Technology Solutions in Different Operating Environments
Welfare and Health Promotion
Effectiveness of Health Promotion
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Development skills - from an idea to a plan
Development skills - from a plan to its implementation
Effectiveness of development work and utilization of the results
Goal-oriented development work
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Basics in Exercise and Sports Coaching
Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports
Research Expertise in Sports
Applied Sports Psychology
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Autonomous Operating Environment
Management and Safety Control
Process Modeling and Simulation
Industrial Production and Operations
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Product Development and Modern Manufactoring Methods
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Exercise and Nutrition
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Networking in International Environment
Management of Evidence based Activity
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Management of welfare services
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Robotics and Automatic Systems
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Service Design and Service Innovations
Writing as an Expert
English for Academic Purposes and Working Life
R & D Management
Project Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Sports Education Trainer Competence
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Applied Performance Analysis
Not grouped

Competences (2022), YAMK


The graduating student assesses and promotes the realisation of ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking equality and non-discrimination into account.

Customer-Oriented and User-Centered Product and Service Development
Digital Services and Technology Solutions in Different Operating Environments
Welfare and Health Promotion
Effectiveness of Health Promotion
Development skills - from an idea to a plan
Development skills - from a plan to its implementation
Effectiveness of development work and utilization of the results
Basics in Exercise and Sports Coaching
Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports
Research Expertise in Sports
Applied Sports Psychology
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Autonomous Operating Environment
Digital Product Development and Modern Manufactoring Methods
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Transformative Technologies for Future
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Writing as an Expert
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Sports Education Trainer Competence
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Applied Performance Analysis
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to manage the development of new solutions that anticipate the future and produces new information using different research and development methods.

Customer-Oriented and User-Centered Product and Service Development
Digital Services and Technology Solutions in Different Operating Environments
Effectiveness of Health Promotion
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Development skills - from an idea to a plan
Effectiveness of development work and utilization of the results
Goal-oriented development work
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Basics in Exercise and Sports Coaching
Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports
Applied Sports Psychology
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Autonomous Operating Environment
Management and Safety Control
Process Modeling and Simulation
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Digital Transformation Strategies
Exercise and Nutrition
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Proactive Leadership
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Networking in International Environment
Management of Evidence based Activity
Management of welfare services
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Service Design and Service Innovations
R & D Management
Project Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Sports Education Trainer Competence
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Applied Performance Analysis
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to develop and manage multicultural and international operating environments and networks.

Welfare and Health Promotion
Effectiveness of Health Promotion
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Development skills - from an idea to a plan
Effectiveness of development work and utilization of the results
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports
Research Expertise in Sports
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Industrial Production and Operations
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Proactive Leadership
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Networking in International Environment
Robotics and Automatic Systems
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Sports Education Trainer Competence
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Sustainable development

The graduating student develops and manages sustainable and responsible operating methods in their work and promotes sustainable change in their work community and society.

Digital Services and Technology Solutions in Different Operating Environments
Effectiveness of Health Promotion
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Effectiveness of development work and utilization of the results
Goal-oriented development work
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Basics in Exercise and Sports Coaching
Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports
Applied Sports Psychology
Industrial Production and Operations
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital Transformation Strategies
Exercise and Nutrition
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Financial and Performance Management
Robotics and Automatic Systems
Transformative Technologies for Future
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Creation of Sustainable Future
R & D Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Sports Education Trainer Competence
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Learning to learn

The graduating student promotes their own and their community's continuous learning and competence development, drawing on knowledge from different fields and the opportunities of digitalisation.

Digital Services and Technology Solutions in Different Operating Environments
Welfare and Health Promotion
Effectiveness of Health Promotion
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Goal-oriented development work
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Basics in Exercise and Sports Coaching
Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports
Research Expertise in Sports
Applied Sports Psychology
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Management and Safety Control
Process Modeling and Simulation
Industrial Production and Operations
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Exercise and Nutrition
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Knowledge Management
Communicative Leadership
Financial and Performance Management
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Creation of Sustainable Future
Writing as an Expert
Project Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Sports Education Trainer Competence
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Applied Performance Analysis
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student is able to develop and manage their work community and reforms working life.

Customer-Oriented and User-Centered Product and Service Development
Welfare and Health Promotion
Effectiveness of Health Promotion
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Development skills - from a plan to its implementation
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Basics in Exercise and Sports Coaching
Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports
Research Expertise in Sports
Management and Safety Control
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Networking in International Environment
Management of Evidence based Activity
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Management of welfare services
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Service Design and Service Innovations
Project Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Sports Education Trainer Competence
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Not grouped
English for Academic Purposes and Working Life

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose ects: 30)

25 - 30
Digital Health Services and Health Promotion

(Choose all)

YAMK126 Customer-Oriented and User-Centered Product and Service Development 5
YAMK127 Digital Services and Technology Solutions in Different Operating Environments 5
YAMK128 Welfare and Health Promotion 5
YAMK129 Effectiveness of Health Promotion 5
YAMK130 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Expert in Foresight and Development

(Choose all)

YAMK117 Development skills - from an idea to a plan 5
YAMK118 Development skills - from a plan to its implementation 5
YAMK119 Effectiveness of development work and utilization of the results 5
YAMK116 Goal-oriented development work 5
YAMK130 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Expertise in Exercise and Sports Coaching

(Choose all)

YAMK109 Basics in Exercise and Sports Coaching 5
YAMK137 Tecnology and Testing Expertise in Sports 10
YAMK135 Research Expertise in Sports 5
YAMK136 Applied Sports Psychology 5
YAMK134 Skill Acquisition in Sports 5
New Industry Expert

(Choose all)

YAMK122 Autonomous Operating Environment 5
YAMK121 Management and Safety Control 5
YAMK123 Process Modeling and Simulation 5
YAMK120 Industrial Production and Operations 5
YAMK130 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5

(Choose ects: 35)

5 - 35

(Choose ects: 35)

5 - 35
Digitalisation Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK144 Digital Platform Economy 5
YAMK124 Digital Product Development and Modern Manufactoring Methods 5
YAMK157 Digital Brand Management 5
YAMK158 Digital Customer Experience Management 5
YAMK168 Digital Platforms 5
YAMK171 Digital Transformation Strategies 5
Welfare Skills

(Choose 10)

0 - 10
YAMK110 Exercise and Nutrition 5
YAMK112 Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life 5
Management Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK148 Proactive Leadership 5
YAMK131 Remote Work and Virtual Leadership 5
YAMK170 Knowledge Management 5
YAMK151 Responsibly Sustainable Leadership 5
YAMK138 Communicative Leadership 5
Business Skills and Entrepreneurship

(Choose 25)

0 - 25
YAMK146 Strategic Financial Management 5
YAMK156 Financial and Performance Management 5
YAMK165 Effective Entrepreneurship 5
YAMK145 Reputation and Networking Service Economy 5
YAMK133 Networking in International Environment 5
Social and Health Management Skills

(Choose 20)

0 - 20
YAMK140 Management of Evidence based Activity 5
YAMK139 Competence of Evidence based Activity 5
YAMK163 Management of welfare services 5
YAMK161 Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors 5
Technology Skills

(Choose 10)

0 - 10
YAMK125 Robotics and Automatic Systems 5
YAMK164 Transformative Technologies for Future 5
Knowledge-Based Management Skills

(Choose 20)

0 - 20
YAMK132 Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool 5
YAMK147 Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management 5
YAMK166 The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management 5
YAMK167 Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments 5
Future Design Skills

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
YAMK154 Creation of Sustainable Future 5
YAMK159 Design Thinking and Creativity 5
YAMK162 Service Design and Service Innovations 5
Research and Development Skills

(Choose 25)

0 - 25
YAMK141 Writing as an Expert 5
YAMK115 English for Academic Purposes and Working Life 5
YAMK143 R & D Management 5
YAMK160 Project Management 5
YAMK130 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Renewable Working Life Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK142 Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork 5
YAMK111 Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services 5
YAMK149 Sports Education Trainer Competence 5
YAMK152 Changing Northern Operating Environment 5
YAMK150 Applied Performance Analysis 10

(Choose all)

Master's Thesis

(Choose all)

YAMK063 Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10
YAMK064 Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10
YAMK065 Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10