Creation of Sustainable Future (5 cr)
Code: YAMK003-3001
General information
03.11.2021 - 30.11.2021
20.04.2022 - 31.05.2022
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
5 op
RD proportion (cr)
4 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
- Heli Väätäjä
- Maarit Tihinen
Responsible person
Maarit Tihinen
Student groups
R31YH21SDigiajan palvelujohtaminen, syksy 2021
R31YT21STiedolla johtamisen asiantuntija, syksy 2021
Student knows how to acquire and utilize information about futures studies, future trends, weak signals, and technology trends for creative thinking and solution development, strategy building and innovation for future. Student is able to combine information from different sources in developing novel solutions, service or business concepts. Future and sustainability oriented design methods are applied in the process while taking sustainability issues into account. Student understands the basics of systems thinking and can apply them in practice when developing future related sustainable solutions.
- the concept of sustainability and its meaning in future related development and innovation activities
- futures studies and future related information sources (e.g. trends, weak signals)
- future and sustainability oriented design methods
- the basics of systems thinking
Location and time
TEAMS-contacts scheduled:
20.4.2022 at 17-21. (*)
10.5.2022 at 17-21 International webinar & workshop (online tool will be informed later) - OPTIONAL
24.5.2022 at 17-21. (*)
(*) Schedules may be further specified (including additional online contact sessions)
Attendance compulsory in contact teaching.
Recommended literature and resources (more comprehensive list will be provided during the course)
Toolkits for envisioning future and designing solutions:
Sitra - Future maker's toolkit -
Sitra - Tulevaisuuden tekijän työkalupakki -
Futurice - Lean Futures Creation
Vincit: Planet Centric Design toolkit, available from:
UN - blog text on the 5 pillars of sustainability
EU - sustainable development goals
Systems thinking
Teaching methods
-Integrated learning.
-Team assignment.
-Individual creativity and development of competences needed in the future working life.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
1-2: Student
- can acquire futures related information and identify suitable information sources
- understands the concept of sustainability
- knows the future and sustainability oriented design methods
- understands the basics of systems thinking
Assessment criteria, good (3)
3-4: Student
- can utilize information from futures studies and future related information sources in development and innovation activities
- can develop future related sustainable solutions
- can use the future and sustainability oriented design methods
- can utilize systems thinking in problem solving
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
5: Student
- can synthesize and analyze information from futures studies and future related information sources in development and innovation activities
- can develop and evaluate future related sustainable solutions and lead the development activities
- can apply the future and sustainability oriented design methods and evaluate the design process and outcome
- can apply systems thinking in problem solving and critically analyze complex future related problems