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Lapland UAS Master School, autumn 2022: Elective Profiling Studies

Code: LAMS22S

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Business Administration
Master of Hospitality Management
Master of Engineering
Master of Natural Resources
Bachelor of Natural Resources
Master of Sports Studies
Master of Social Services and Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services

90 ects

1.5 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2022

Teaching language:
Finnish English

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 Autumn
1. / 2022 2. / 2023 3. / 2023 1. / 2023

(Choose ects: 40)

30 - 40
Free-choice electives

(Choose ects: 40)

30 - 40
Competence in digital age

(Choose 0)

YAMK132 Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool 5 5 5 5
YAMK144 Digital Platform Economy 5 5 5 5
YAMK168 Digital Platforms 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YAMK171 Digital Transformation Strategies 5 5 5 5
YAMK147 Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK133 Networking in International Environment 5 5 5 5
YAMK161 Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors 5 5 5 5
YAMK166 The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK164 Transformative Technologies for Future 5 5 5 5
YAMK167 Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Management competence

(Choose 0)

YAMK148 Proactive Leadership 5 5 5 5
YAMK131 Remote Work and Virtual Leadership 5 5 5 5
YAMK072 Inclusion Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK143 R & D Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK140 Management of Evidence based Activity 5 5 5 5
Y9992BOJ Knowledge Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK160 Project Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK163 Management of welfare services 5 5 5 5
YAMK151 Responsibly Sustainable Leadership 5 5 5 5
YAMK138 Communicative Leadership 5 5 5 5
Development competence

(Choose 0)

YAMK093 Writing as an Expert 5 5 5 5
YAMK142 Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork 5 5 5 5
YAMK154 Creation of Sustainable Future 5 5 5 5
YAMK159 Design Thinking and Creativity 5 5 5 5
R31YL21OJ Strategic Human Resource Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK152 Changing Northern Operating Environment 5 5 5 5
799Y8HOJ Competence of Evidence based Activity 5 5 5 5
YAMK162 Service Design and Service Innovations 5 5 5 5
Y9992COJ Development Methodologies of Working Life 5 5 5 5
Business competence and entrepreneurship

(Choose 0)

YAMK090 Business Design Project 5 5 2 3 2 3
YAMK157 Digital Brand Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK158 Digital Customer Experience Management 5 5 5 5
R31YL22OJ Strategic Financial Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK156 Financial and Performance Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK165 Effective Entrepreneurship 5 5 5 5
YAMK145 Reputation and Networking Service Economy 5 5 5 5
Total 90 130 50 37 93 50 37 63 30 50

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and horizons of the digital economy
The Global Digital Economy
Creation of Sustainable Future
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Digital Platform Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Customer-orientated Welfare Technology
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Data formation in Digital Services
Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector
Artificial Intelligence and smart environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Responsible and resource-wise business
Development of Customeroriented Health Services
Human Resource Management
Participatory Strategic Management
Health and Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Networking in International Environment
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Transformative Technologies for Future
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Inclusion Management
R & D Management
Management of Evidence based Activity
Knowledge Management
Project Management
Management of welfare services
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Writing as an Expert
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Strategic Human Resource Management
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Service Design and Service Innovations
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Business Design Project
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Not grouped

Ethical competence

The student is able to take responsibility for the actions of a community and for the consequences of these actions; is able to apply the ethical principles of the subject field as an expert and as a developer of working life; is able to make decisions considering an individual and the community; is able to contribute to the principles of equality in working life; is able to contribute to the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility; is capable of leading socially influential activities based on ethical values.

Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
The Global Digital Economy
Creation of Sustainable Future
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Responsible and resource-wise business
Development of Customeroriented Health Services
Health and Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Inclusion Management
Knowledge Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Strategic Financial Management
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Internationalization compe­tence

The student is capable of international communication in one’s work and in the development of operations; is able to operate in international environments; is able to predict the effects of and opportunities for internationalization development in one’s own field.

Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and horizons of the digital economy
The Global Digital Economy
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Participatory Strategic Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Inclusion Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Business Design Project
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Innovation competence

The students is able to manage research, development and innovation projects and masters the methods of research and development work; is able to manage project work; is able to create new information and improve existing working methods by combining expertise from different fields; is able to develop customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions.

Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and horizons of the digital economy
Creation of Sustainable Future
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Digital Platform Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Artificial Intelligence and smart environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Responsible and resource-wise business
Participatory Strategic Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Strategic Human Resource Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Business Design Project
Strategic Financial Management
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Leaming competence

The student is able to self-evaluate and develop one’s expertise in a versatile and focused way; is able to retrieve, analyze and produce information and evaluate it critically from the point of view of different fields; is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning in a target-oriented way.

Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and horizons of the digital economy
The Global Digital Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Artificial Intelligence and smart environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Human Resource Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Knowledge Management
Writing as an Expert
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Working community compe­tence

The student is able to develop the operations of a work community: is able to develop multidisciplinary communication and interaction in working life; is able to utilize information and communications technology in one’s work; is able to create networks and partnerships; is capable of management and supervision tasks and is able to improve activities in complicated and unpredictable environments; is able to work as an expert or entrepreneur and has abilities for management and supervision tasks.

Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Responsible and resource-wise business
Human Resource Management
Participatory Strategic Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Inclusion Management
Knowledge Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Not grouped
Customer-orientated Welfare Technology
Data formation in Digital Services
Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Networking in International Environment
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Transformative Technologies for Future
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
R & D Management
Management of Evidence based Activity
Project Management
Management of welfare services
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Service Design and Service Innovations
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Reputation and Networking Service Economy

Competences (2022), YAMK


The graduating student assesses and promotes the realisation of ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking equality and non-discrimination into account.

Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Transformative Technologies for Future
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to manage the development of new solutions that anticipate the future and produces new information using different research and development methods.

Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Digital Transformation Strategies
Networking in International Environment
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Transformative Technologies for Future
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Proactive Leadership
R & D Management
Management of Evidence based Activity
Project Management
Management of welfare services
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Service Design and Service Innovations
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to develop and manage multicultural and international operating environments and networks.

Networking in International Environment
Proactive Leadership
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Sustainable development

The graduating student develops and manages sustainable and responsible operating methods in their work and promotes sustainable change in their work community and society.

Digital Transformation Strategies
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Transformative Technologies for Future
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
R & D Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Creation of Sustainable Future
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Financial and Performance Management
Learning to learn

The graduating student promotes their own and their community's continuous learning and competence development, drawing on knowledge from different fields and the opportunities of digitalisation.

Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Transformative Technologies for Future
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Project Management
Communicative Leadership
Creation of Sustainable Future
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Financial and Performance Management
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student is able to develop and manage their work community and reforms working life.

Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Networking in International Environment
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Transformative Technologies for Future
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Management of Evidence based Activity
Project Management
Management of welfare services
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Service Design and Service Innovations
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Not grouped
Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and horizons of the digital economy
The Global Digital Economy
Creation of Sustainable Future
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Digital Platform Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Customer-orientated Welfare Technology
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Data formation in Digital Services
Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector
Artificial Intelligence and smart environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Responsible and resource-wise business
Development of Customeroriented Health Services
Human Resource Management
Participatory Strategic Management
Health and Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Inclusion Management
Knowledge Management
Writing as an Expert
Strategic Human Resource Management
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Business Design Project
Strategic Financial Management
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis

Koulutuksen kompetenssit syksy 2022, YAMK

Business ecosystems and platforms

The student
• is able to analyze service ecosystems and platforms and to act in service environment
• is able to develop his/her personal and leadership competences
• is capable to developing the organization’s innovation process in an international context;
• is able to manage RD&I projects and masters the methods of research and development work;
• is able to develop, sustainable and profitable and solutions for better customer experience.

Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Digital transformation of enterprises

The student
• is able to appraise, develop and lead digital transformation in an enterprise
• is decisive when evaluating the influence of digital transformation on the enterprise and the operating environment
• is able to evaluate and develop the business model as part of the organizational strategy
• is able to self-evaluate and develop his/her expertise in a versatile and focused way.

Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Hajautettujen työympäristöjen johtaminen
Creation of Sustainable Future
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Digital Platform Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Horizons of the digital economy

The student
• is future oriented and capable of analyzing global and regional trends influencing the business context
• is able to operate in an international network and to organize and build new relationships
• is capable of leading creativity and has an entrepreneurial mindset
• is able to retrieve, analyze and produce information and evaluate it critically.

Business Research and Development Methods
Planning and horizons of the digital economy
The Global Digital Economy
Kestävän tuotantotoiminnan suunnittelu
Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business
Sustainable Production Development Project
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Responsible and resource-wise business
Monialaisen palvelutalouden kehittämisosaaminen
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Digital Platform Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Tiedolla johtamisen asiantuntijuus

- opiskelija tuntee ja ymmärtää sekä osaa soveltaa käytännössä tiedolla johtamisen käsitteitä ja keskeisiä teorioita
- opiskelija osaa kehittää, johtaa ja arvioida tiedon hyödyntämistä organisaatiossa ja liiketoiminnassa
- opiskelija osaa kehittää, johtaa ja motivoida hajautetuissa ympäristöissä toimivia ihmisiä ja heterogeenisiä asiantuntijaryhmiä
- opiskelija osaa vertailla ja hyödyntää erilaisia tiedolla johtamisen malleja menestyksekkään liiketoiminnan, innovaatioiden luomisen ja prosessien kehittämisen mahdollistamiseksi
- opiskelija osaa analysoida, suhteuttaa, arvioida ja toteuttaa tietoa ja sen hyödyntämistä yrityksen menestystekijänä eettisesti ja vastuullisesti

Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Tiedon hyödyntämisen kehittämisosaaminen
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Artificial Intelligence and smart environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Tiedon hyödyntämisen kehittämisosaaminen

- opiskelija osaa monialaisesti vertailla tiedon hyödyntämistä erilaisilla aloilla ja organisaatioissa sekä hyödyntää oppimaansa omaan toimintaympäristöön
- opiskelija osaa luoda ja kehittää tiedon hyödyntämisessä tarvittavia osaamis- ja asiantuntijaverkostoja alueellisesti, kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti
- opiskelija osaa etsiä, tunnistaa, valita ja arvioida sopivia menetelmiä ja teknologioita tiedon hyödyntämiseen omassa toimintaympäristössään
- opiskelija osaa suunnitella, kehittää ja johtaa käyttäjä- ja asiakaslähtöisesti tiedon hyödyntämistä palveluiden ja uusien innovaatioiden kehittämisessä
- opiskelija osaa tulevaisuusorientoituneesti reflektoida omaa uudistumistarvettaan sekä yrityksensä tai organisaationsa kehittämistarpeita ja strategista uudistamistarvetta.

Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of information in business and decision making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Uudistuva johtaminen
Development of Customeroriented Health Services
Human Resource Management
Participatory Strategic Management
Health and Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Not grouped
Customer-orientated Welfare Technology
Data formation in Digital Services
Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Networking in International Environment
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Transformative Technologies for Future
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Inclusion Management
R & D Management
Management of Evidence based Activity
Knowledge Management
Project Management
Management of welfare services
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Writing as an Expert
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Strategic Human Resource Management
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Competence of Evidence based Activity
Service Design and Service Innovations
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Business Design Project
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Effective Entrepreneurship
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose ects: 30)

20 - 30
Digital Business Management

(Choose all)

YAMK080 Business Ecosystems 5
YAMK088 Business Research and Development Methods 5
YAMK073 Leading Business Model Innovation 5
YAMK087 Leading Knowledge and Networks 5
YAMK108 Planning and horizons of the digital economy 5
YAMK079 The Global Digital Economy 5
Service Management in Digital Era

(Choose all)

YAMK003 Creation of Sustainable Future 5
R301YH11OJ Leading in Digitalized Service Business 5
R301YH13OJ Digital Platform Economy 5
Y9992COJ Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
R301YH12OJ Communicative Leadership 5
Expert in Well-being Analytics

(Choose all)

YAMK102 Customer-orientated Welfare Technology 5
YAMK106 Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development 5
YAMK105 Data formation in Digital Services 5
YAMK104 Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector 5
YAMK107 Artificial Intelligence and smart environments in Welfare Sector 5
YAMK103 Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector 5
Sustainable Production Development

(Choose all)

YAMK017 Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business 5
YAMK019 Sustainable Production Development Project 10
Y9992COJ Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
YAMK018 Responsible and resource-wise business 5
Leadership and Development of Health Care Services

(Choose all)

YAMK035 Development of Customeroriented Health Services 5
799Y9KOJ Human Resource Management 5
YAMK033 Participatory Strategic Management 5
YAMK034 Health and Economy 5
Y9992COJ Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Specialization in Knowledge-Based Management

(Choose all)

R599Y32 Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management 5
R599Y30 The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management 5
R599Y33 Utilization of information in business and decision making 5
Y9992COJ Development Methodologies of Working Life 5

(Choose ects: 40)

30 - 40
Free-choice electives

(Choose ects: 40)

30 - 40
Competence in digital age

(Choose 0)

YAMK132 Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool 5
YAMK144 Digital Platform Economy 5
YAMK168 Digital Platforms 5
YAMK171 Digital Transformation Strategies 5
YAMK147 Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management 5
YAMK133 Networking in International Environment 5
YAMK161 Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors 5
YAMK166 The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management 5
YAMK164 Transformative Technologies for Future 5
YAMK167 Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments 5
Management competence

(Choose 0)

YAMK148 Proactive Leadership 5
YAMK131 Remote Work and Virtual Leadership 5
YAMK072 Inclusion Management 5
YAMK143 R & D Management 5
YAMK140 Management of Evidence based Activity 5
Y9992BOJ Knowledge Management 5
YAMK160 Project Management 5
YAMK163 Management of welfare services 5
YAMK151 Responsibly Sustainable Leadership 5
YAMK138 Communicative Leadership 5
Development competence

(Choose 0)

YAMK093 Writing as an Expert 5
YAMK142 Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork 5
YAMK154 Creation of Sustainable Future 5
YAMK159 Design Thinking and Creativity 5
R31YL21OJ Strategic Human Resource Management 5
YAMK152 Changing Northern Operating Environment 5
799Y8HOJ Competence of Evidence based Activity 5
YAMK162 Service Design and Service Innovations 5
Y9992COJ Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Business competence and entrepreneurship

(Choose 0)

YAMK090 Business Design Project 5
YAMK157 Digital Brand Management 5
YAMK158 Digital Customer Experience Management 5
R31YL22OJ Strategic Financial Management 5
YAMK156 Financial and Performance Management 5
YAMK165 Effective Entrepreneurship 5
YAMK145 Reputation and Networking Service Economy 5

(Choose all)

Master's Thesis

(Choose all)

YAMK063 Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10
YAMK064 Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10
YAMK065 Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10