Lapland UAS Master School, autumn 2022: Service Management in Digital Era (Education in Finnish)
Code: LAMS22S
Master of Health Care
Master of Business Administration
Master of Hospitality Management
Master of Engineering
Master of Natural Resources
Bachelor of Natural Resources
Master of Sports Studies
Master of Social Services and Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services
- Digital Business Management (Education in English)
- Sustainable Production Development (Education in Finnish)
- Service Management in Digital Era (Education in Finnish)
- Specialization in Knowledge-Based Management (Education in Finnish)
- Leadership and Development of Health Care Services (Education in Finnish)
- Expert in Well-being Analytics (Education in Finnish)
- Elective Profiling Studies
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Code | Name | Credits (cr) | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 |
2022 |
2023 |
2023 |
1. / 2022 | 2. / 2023 | 3. / 2023 | 1. / 2023 |
YDILMS-1001 |
(Choose ects: 30) |
20 - 30 | |||||||||
DPJMOD21-1001 |
Service Management in Digital Era
(Choose all) |
25 | |||||||||
YAMK003 | Creation of Sustainable Future | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||||
R301YH11OJ | Leading in Digitalized Service Business | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||||
R301YH13OJ | Digital Platform Economy | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||||
Y9992COJ | Development Methodologies of Working Life | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||||
R301YH12OJ | Communicative Leadership | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||||
PROLMS-1001 |
(Choose ects: 40) |
30 - 40 | |||||||||
YVAPMOD21-1001 |
Free-choice electives
(Choose ects: 40) |
30 - 40 | |||||||||
KEOMOD21-1001 |
Development competence
(Choose 0) |
0 | |||||||||
YAMK093 | Writing as an Expert | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||||
TUTKLMS-1001 |
(Choose all) |
30 | |||||||||
OPLMS-1001 |
Master's Thesis
(Choose all) |
30 | |||||||||
YAMK063 | Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | ||||||
YAMK064 | Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | ||||||
YAMK065 | Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | ||||||
Total | 90 | 50 | 10 | 35 | 15 | 10 | 35 | 15 | 0 | 10 |
Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.
Competences (2022), YAMK
Koulutuksen kompetenssit syksy 2022, YAMK
Business ecosystems and platforms
The student |
Business Ecosystems |
Business Research and Development Methods |
Leading Knowledge and Networks |
Digital transformation of enterprises
The student |
Business Research and Development Methods |
Leading Business Model Innovation |
Hajautettujen työympäristöjen johtaminen |
Creation of Sustainable Future |
Leading in Digitalized Service Business |
Digital Platform Economy |
Development Methodologies of Working Life |
Horizons of the digital economy
The student |
Business Research and Development Methods |
Planning and horizons of the digital economy |
The Global Digital Economy |
Kestävän tuotantotoiminnan suunnittelu |
Principles of sustainable development and operating models in business |
Sustainable Production Development Project |
Development Methodologies of Working Life |
Responsible and resource-wise business |
Monialaisen palvelutalouden kehittämisosaaminen |
Leading in Digitalized Service Business |
Digital Platform Economy |
Development Methodologies of Working Life |
Communicative Leadership |
Tiedolla johtamisen asiantuntijuus
- opiskelija tuntee ja ymmärtää sekä osaa soveltaa käytännössä tiedolla johtamisen käsitteitä ja keskeisiä teorioita |
Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management |
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management |
Utilization of information in business and decision making |
Development Methodologies of Working Life |
Tiedon hyödyntämisen kehittämisosaaminen |
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development |
Artificial Intelligence and smart environments in Welfare Sector |
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector |
Tiedon hyödyntämisen kehittämisosaaminen
- opiskelija osaa monialaisesti vertailla tiedon hyödyntämistä erilaisilla aloilla ja organisaatioissa sekä hyödyntää oppimaansa omaan toimintaympäristöön |
Ethics and responsibility in knowledge management |
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management |
Utilization of information in business and decision making |
Development Methodologies of Working Life |
Uudistuva johtaminen |
Development of Customeroriented Health Services |
Human Resource Management |
Participatory Strategic Management |
Health and Economy |
Development Methodologies of Working Life |
Not grouped |
Customer-orientated Welfare Technology |
Data formation in Digital Services |
Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector |
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool |
Digital Platform Economy |
Digital Platforms |
Digital Transformation Strategies |
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management |
Networking in International Environment |
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors |
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management |
Transformative Technologies for Future |
Intelligent data analytics and intelligent environments |
Proactive Leadership |
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership |
Inclusion Management |
R & D Management |
Management of Evidence based Activity |
Knowledge Management |
Project Management |
Management of welfare services |
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership |
Communicative Leadership |
Writing as an Expert |
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork |
Creation of Sustainable Future |
Design Thinking and Creativity |
Strategic Human Resource Management |
Changing Northern Operating Environment |
Competence of Evidence based Activity |
Service Design and Service Innovations |
Development Methodologies of Working Life |
Business Design Project |
Digital Brand Management |
Digital Customer Experience Management |
Strategic Financial Management |
Financial and Performance Management |
Effective Entrepreneurship |
Reputation and Networking Service Economy |
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis |
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis |
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis |