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Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (blended studies), Kemi, Autumn 2021:

Code: KA52K21S

Bachelor of Engineering

Degree title:
Bachelor of Engineering

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2021

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 Autumn
1. / 2021 2. / 2022 3. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2023 3. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2024 3. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2025 3. / 2025

(Choose all)

145 - 190
General Studies

(Choose all)

K502K14OJ Tools and softwares for learning 5 5 5 5
K502K25OJ Basics of Mathematics 5 5 5 5
K502K26OJ Basics of Physics 5 5 5 5
K502K23OJ Engineering mathematics 5 5 5 5
K502K24OJ Physics applications 5 5 5 5
K502K32OJ English for mechanical engineering 5 5 5 5
K502K31OJ Swedish for mechanical engineering 5 5 5 5
RUOTSIS Swedish Oral Skills 0
RUOTSIK Swedish Written Language 0
K502K107OJ Management Skills and Leadership 5 5 5 5
Product Development

(Choose all)

K502K103OJ Basics of technical design 5 5 5 5
K502K104OJ Basics of mechanical engineering 5 5 5 5
K502K141OJ Basics of technical mechanics 5 5 5 5
K502K101OJ Project: Product development 5 5 5 5
K502K142OJ CAD as a tool 5 5 5 5
K502K143OJ Technical mechanics 5 5 5 5
K502K102OJ Project: Prototype 5 5 5 5
K502K144OJ 3D design of a product 5 5 5 5
Industry and Manufacturing

(Choose all)

K502K121OJ Basics of production technology 5 5 5 5
K502K122OJ Manufacturing methods and materials 5 5 5 5
K502K125OJ Material features 5 5 5 5
K502K126OJ Efficient production environment 5 5 5 5
K502K123OJ Automation solutions 5 5 5 5
K502K109OJ Machine automation applications 5 5 5 5
K502K124OJ Energy and environment 5 5 5 5
Elective Studies Supporting Core Competence

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
K532S23OJ Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment 5 5 5 5
K502K19OJ Project: Introducing engineering tools 5 5 5 5
K502K15OJ Projects and workshops 5 5 5 5
Practical Training

(Choose ects: 60)

30 - 60
KOHA121AOJ Basic Training 1 5 5 5 5
KOHA121BOJ Basic Training 2 5 5 5 5
KOHA122AOJ Professional Training 1 5 5 5 5
KOHA122BOJ Professional Training 2 5 5 5 5
KOHA123AOJ Advanced Training 1 5 5 5 5
KOHA123BOJ Advanced Training 2 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 60)

45 - 60
Development Skills

(Choose all)

K502K201OJ Work life project 5 5 5 5
K502K202OJ Project: Finding solution 5 5 5 5
K502K106OJ Innovation project 5 5 5 5
Profiling Modules

(Choose ects: 30)

15 - 30
Industrial Maintenance Module

(Choose ects: 30)

15 - 30
K502K437OJ Basics of Maintenance 5 5 5 5
K502K438OJ Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities 5 5 5 5
K502K439OJ Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities 5 5 5 5
K502K440OJ Maintenance Planning and Scheduling 5 5 5 5
K502K441OJ Dependability 5 5 5 5
K502K442OJ Industry 4.0 in Maintenance 5 5 5 5
Materials Technology Module

(Choose all)

K502K216OJ Physical Metallurgy 5 5 5 5
K502K217OJ Welding and Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials 5 5 5 5
K502K218OJ Materials and their behaviour during welding 5 5 5 5
Product Development Module

(Choose all)

K502K303OJ Mechanical- and equipment design 5 5 5 5
K502K314OJ Advanced 3D CAD 5 5 5 5
K502K311OJ 3D printing and applications 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K446OJ Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics 5
K502K447OJ Robotics Project 10
Specialisation Studies in Mining Technology

(Choose ects: 60)

R501RL200 Sustainable Mining 5 5 5 5
R501RL201 Geology and Mineralogy 5 5 5 5
R501RL202 Open Pit Mining and Crushing 5 5 5 5
Elective Studies in Mining Technology

(Choose ects: 25)

15 - 25
Civil Engineering in Mining -Module

(Choose all)

R501RL77OJ Mine Planning 5 5 5 5
R501RL82OJ Mine Design Project 5 5 5 5
R501RL302 Underground Mining 5 5 5 5
Free-choice Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

VVK502K401OJ Free-choice Elective 1 5 5 5 5
VVK502K402OJ Free-choice Elective 2 5 5 5 5
VVK502K403OJ Free-choice Elective 3 5 5 5 5

(Choose all)

MNTL100OJ Methodological Studies 5 5 5 5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
Total 240 105 70 90 35 50 55 35 35 45 45 20 15 50 55 0 35 35 0 45 45 0 20 15 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Certificate structure

Professional studies
Basics of technical design
Basics of mechanical engineering
Basics of technical mechanics
Project: Product development
CAD as a tool
Technical mechanics
Project: Prototype
3D design of a product
Basics of production technology
Manufacturing methods and materials
Material features
Efficient production environment
Automation solutions
Machine automation applications
Energy and environment
Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment
Project: Introducing engineering tools
Projects and workshops
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
Physical Metallurgy
Welding and Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials
Materials and their behaviour during welding
Mechanical- and equipment design
Advanced 3D CAD
3D printing and applications
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
Sustainable Mining
Geology and Mineralogy
Open Pit Mining and Crushing
Beneficiation Techniques
Mining English
Cost Calculations and Industrial Services
Mining Swedish
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
New Technologies in Maintenance
Industrial Electrification and Automation
Process Automation
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Mine Planning
Mine Design Project
Underground Mining
Mining Project 1
Mining Project 2
Professional Training
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Supervised Training 1
Supervised Training 2
Practical Training in Mining
DDP Internship 1
DDP Internship 2
Bachelor's Thesis
Methodological Studies
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Basic studies
Tools and softwares for learning
Basics of Mathematics
Basics of Physics
Engineering mathematics
Physics applications
English for mechanical engineering
Swedish for mechanical engineering
Swedish Oral Skills
Swedish Written Language
Management Skills and Leadership
Free-choice electives
Possibilities of Entrepreneurship in the field of sport
From a Business Idea to Market
Digitalization and Entrepreneurship
Financial Management of a Small Company
Starting and Developing the Business
Free-choice Elective 1
Free-choice Elective 2
Free-choice Elective 3
Engineering perspectives
3D printing (book exam)
The Basics of Circular Economy
The Future of the Industrial Circular Economy
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Not grouped
Basics of Maintenance
Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Asset Management
Economics of Maintenance
Maintenance Management
Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics
Robotics Project


Management Skills and Leadership
Project: Product development
Technical mechanics
Project: Prototype
Material features
Energy and environment
Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Supervised Training 1
Supervised Training 2
Practical Training in Mining
DDP Internship 1
DDP Internship 2
Innovation project
Engineering perspectives
The Basics of Circular Economy
The Future of the Industrial Circular Economy
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Methodological Studies
Project: Product development
3D design of a product
Basics of production technology
Manufacturing methods and materials
Automation solutions
Machine automation applications
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
3D printing and applications
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
From a Business Idea to Market
Digitalization and Entrepreneurship
3D printing (book exam)
Tools and softwares for learning
English for mechanical engineering
Swedish for mechanical engineering
Swedish Oral Skills
Swedish Written Language
Basics of mechanical engineering
Project: Product development
Project: Prototype
3D design of a product
Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment
Project: Introducing engineering tools
Projects and workshops
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
3D design of a product
Basics of production technology
Manufacturing methods and materials
Efficient production environment
Energy and environment
Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
Physical Metallurgy
Welding and Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials
Materials and their behaviour during welding
Mechanical- and equipment design
3D printing and applications
3D printing (book exam)
The Basics of Circular Economy
The Future of the Industrial Circular Economy
Management Skills and Leadership
Basics of technical design
Basics of mechanical engineering
Basics of technical mechanics
Project: Product development
CAD as a tool
Technical mechanics
Project: Prototype
3D design of a product
Basics of production technology
Manufacturing methods and materials
Material features
Efficient production environment
Automation solutions
Machine automation applications
Energy and environment
Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
Physical Metallurgy
Welding and Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials
Materials and their behaviour during welding
Mechanical- and equipment design
Advanced 3D CAD
3D printing and applications
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
Engineering perspectives
3D printing (book exam)
The Basics of Circular Economy
The Future of the Industrial Circular Economy
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Tools and softwares for learning
Basics of Mathematics
Basics of Physics
Engineering mathematics
Physics applications
Basics of technical design
Basics of mechanical engineering
Basics of technical mechanics
Project: Product development
Technical mechanics
Project: Prototype
Automation solutions
Machine automation applications
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
Tools and softwares for learning
Basics of Mathematics
Basics of Physics
Engineering mathematics
Physics applications
English for mechanical engineering
Swedish for mechanical engineering
Swedish Oral Skills
Swedish Written Language
Management Skills and Leadership
Basics of technical design
Basics of mechanical engineering
Basics of technical mechanics
Project: Product development
CAD as a tool
Technical mechanics
Project: Prototype
Material features
Efficient production environment
Energy and environment
Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment
Project: Introducing engineering tools
Projects and workshops
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Supervised Training 1
Supervised Training 2
Practical Training in Mining
DDP Internship 1
DDP Internship 2
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
Free-choice Elective 1
Free-choice Elective 2
Free-choice Elective 3
Engineering perspectives
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Methodological Studies
Basics of technical design
Basics of technical mechanics
Project: Product development
CAD as a tool
Technical mechanics
Project: Prototype
3D design of a product
Energy and environment
Project: Introducing engineering tools
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
Physical Metallurgy
Welding and Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials
Materials and their behaviour during welding
Mechanical- and equipment design
Advanced 3D CAD
3D printing and applications
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
3D printing (book exam)
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Basics of mechanical engineering
Basics of production technology
Manufacturing methods and materials
Material features
Efficient production environment
Automation solutions
Machine automation applications
Energy and environment
Project: Introducing engineering tools
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
Physical Metallurgy
Welding and Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials
Materials and their behaviour during welding
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
3D printing (book exam)
The Basics of Circular Economy
The Future of the Industrial Circular Economy
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Management Skills and Leadership
Technical mechanics
Basics of production technology
Manufacturing methods and materials
Material features
Efficient production environment
Automation solutions
Machine automation applications
Energy and environment
Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment
Project: Introducing engineering tools
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Supervised Training 1
Supervised Training 2
Practical Training in Mining
DDP Internship 1
DDP Internship 2
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
Engineering perspectives
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Tools and softwares for learning
Management Skills and Leadership
Project: Prototype
Basics of production technology
Manufacturing methods and materials
Efficient production environment
Project: Introducing engineering tools
Projects and workshops
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Supervised Training 1
Supervised Training 2
Practical Training in Mining
DDP Internship 1
DDP Internship 2
Work life project
Project: Finding solution
Innovation project
DDP Project work 1
DDP Project work 2
Engineering perspectives
Erasmus Laboratory Work 1
Erasmus Laboratory Work 2
Management Skills and Leadership
Project: Product development
Project: Prototype
Innovation project
Possibilities of Entrepreneurship in the field of sport
From a Business Idea to Market
Digitalization and Entrepreneurship
Financial Management of a Small Company
Starting and Developing the Business
Not grouped
Basics of Maintenance
Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Asset Management
Economics of Maintenance
Maintenance Management
Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics
Robotics Project
Sustainable Mining
Geology and Mineralogy
Open Pit Mining and Crushing
Beneficiation Techniques
Mining English
Cost Calculations and Industrial Services
Mining Swedish
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
New Technologies in Maintenance
Industrial Electrification and Automation
Process Automation
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Mine Planning
Mine Design Project
Underground Mining
Mining Project 1
Mining Project 2
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

145 - 190
General Studies

(Choose all)

K502K14OJ Tools and softwares for learning 5
K502K25OJ Basics of Mathematics 5
K502K26OJ Basics of Physics 5
K502K23OJ Engineering mathematics 5
K502K24OJ Physics applications 5
K502K32OJ English for mechanical engineering 5
K502K31OJ Swedish for mechanical engineering 5
RUOTSIS Swedish Oral Skills 0
RUOTSIK Swedish Written Language 0
K502K107OJ Management Skills and Leadership 5
Product Development

(Choose all)

K502K103OJ Basics of technical design 5
K502K104OJ Basics of mechanical engineering 5
K502K141OJ Basics of technical mechanics 5
K502K101OJ Project: Product development 5
K502K142OJ CAD as a tool 5
K502K143OJ Technical mechanics 5
K502K102OJ Project: Prototype 5
K502K144OJ 3D design of a product 5
Industry and Manufacturing

(Choose all)

K502K121OJ Basics of production technology 5
K502K122OJ Manufacturing methods and materials 5
K502K125OJ Material features 5
K502K126OJ Efficient production environment 5
K502K123OJ Automation solutions 5
K502K109OJ Machine automation applications 5
K502K124OJ Energy and environment 5
Elective Studies Supporting Core Competence

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
K532S23OJ Project: Introduction to Arctic Work Environment 5
K502K19OJ Project: Introducing engineering tools 5
K502K15OJ Projects and workshops 5
Practical Training

(Choose ects: 60)

30 - 60
KOHA121AOJ Basic Training 1 5
KOHA121BOJ Basic Training 2 5
KOHA122AOJ Professional Training 1 5
KOHA122BOJ Professional Training 2 5
KOHA123AOJ Advanced Training 1 5
KOHA123BOJ Advanced Training 2 5
KOHA124AOJ Supervised Training 1 10
KOHA124BOJ Supervised Training 2 20
R501RL209 Practical Training in Mining 5 - 10
K502K700A DDP Internship 1 15
K502K700B DDP Internship 2 15

(Choose ects: 60)

45 - 60
Development Skills

(Choose all)

K502K201OJ Work life project 5
K502K202OJ Project: Finding solution 5
K502K106OJ Innovation project 5
Profiling Modules

(Choose ects: 30)

15 - 30
Industrial Maintenance Module

(Choose ects: 30)

15 - 30
K502K437OJ Basics of Maintenance 5
K502K438OJ Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities 5
K502K439OJ Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities 5
K502K440OJ Maintenance Planning and Scheduling 5
K502K441OJ Dependability 5
K502K442OJ Industry 4.0 in Maintenance 5
K502K443OJ Asset Management 5
K502K444OJ Economics of Maintenance 5
K502K445OJ Maintenance Management 5
Materials Technology Module

(Choose all)

K502K216OJ Physical Metallurgy 5
K502K217OJ Welding and Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials 5
K502K218OJ Materials and their behaviour during welding 5
Product Development Module

(Choose all)

K502K303OJ Mechanical- and equipment design 5
K502K314OJ Advanced 3D CAD 5
K502K311OJ 3D printing and applications 5

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K446OJ Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics 5
K502K447OJ Robotics Project 10
Projects in Double Degree Programme

(Choose all)

K502K701A DDP Project work 1 15
K502K701B DDP Project work 2 15
Specialisation Studies in Mining Technology

(Choose ects: 60)

R501RL200 Sustainable Mining 5
R501RL201 Geology and Mineralogy 5
R501RL202 Open Pit Mining and Crushing 5
R501RL203 Beneficiation Techniques 5
R501RL204 Mining English 5
R501RL206 Cost Calculations and Industrial Services 5
R501RL207 Mining Swedish 5
Elective Studies in Mining Technology

(Choose ects: 25)

15 - 25
Mining Maintenance -Module

(Choose all)

K502K803OJ Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities 5
K502K807OJ New Technologies in Maintenance 5
K502K808OJ Reliability 5
Electrical and Automation Engineering in Mining -Module

(Choose all)

K53SL142OJ Industrial Electrification and Automation 5
K53SL312OJ Process Automation 5
K502K803OJ Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities 5
Civil Engineering in Mining -Module

(Choose all)

R501RL77OJ Mine Planning 5
R501RL82OJ Mine Design Project 5
R501RL302 Underground Mining 5
R501RL205 Mining Project 1 5
R501RL208 Mining Project 2 5
Entrepreneurship, Basic Module

(Choose ects: 30)

0 - 30
R707LL65 Possibilities of Entrepreneurship in the field of sport 5
YRIT1112 From a Business Idea to Market 5
YRIT1113 Digitalization and Entrepreneurship 5
YRIT1114 Financial Management of a Small Company 5
YRIT1115 Starting and Developing the Business 5
Free-choice Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

VVK502K401OJ Free-choice Elective 1 5
VVK502K402OJ Free-choice Elective 2 5
VVK502K403OJ Free-choice Elective 3 5
K502K13OJ Engineering perspectives 5
3K3124OJ 3D printing (book exam) 5
BIO2OJ The Basics of Circular Economy 5
BIO4OJ The Future of the Industrial Circular Economy 5
3K0026OJ Erasmus Laboratory Work 1 5
3K0027OJ Erasmus Laboratory Work 2 5

(Choose all)

MNTL100OJ Methodological Studies 5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5