Työoikeuden perusteetLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: R301DL64OJ
5 op
- englanti
- Tarja Tammia
The student knows the main content of the sector’s essential labour legislation and collective agreements and can apply them.
The student knows the basics of protection of privacy at a work place.
Student is familiar with the payroll and understand the main principles of payroll.
The student knows the connection between payroll and relevant legislations.
He/she is able to make basic payroll calculations.
Competences: Operating in a workplace Competence, Law and Risk Management Competence
- main principles of employment and labour law
- legal factors in recruiting
- legal factors in employment relationship
- termination of employment contract
- protection of privacy at a workplace (GDPR)
- payroll
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Level 1
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student can list main duties and rights of an employer and employee.
He/she can solve simple employment and labour law cases.
The student knows the connection between payroll and relevant legislations.
He/she is able to make basic payroll calculations.
Level 2
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student knows main duties and rights of an employer and employee.
The student understands the connection between payroll and relevant legislations.
He/she is able calculate payroll related calculations.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Level 3
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student is able to demonstrate by using examples the main duties and rights of an employer and employee.
He/she can solve cases by leaning to the given instructions and material.
The student is able to take care of company’s payroll and knows the relevant legal obligations.
Level 4
The principles of essential labour legislation:
Student has good knowledge of employment and labour law.
He/she is able to give correct conclusions and justifications when applying the legislation in most cases.
The student has the knowledge and skills to take care of company’s payroll related specific situations and knowledge of the legal obligations.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Level 5
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student understands the meaning of legal factors in the field of employment and labour law in an organisation.
He/she can foresee and solve employment and labour law related problems by justifying the decisions with relevant legislation.
The student is able to apply relevant legislation and collective agreements in different payroll situations.
He/she understands the relevance of payroll in a company.
01.03.2023 - 05.09.2023
06.09.2023 - 29.10.2023
5 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
2 op
60 % Lähiopetus, 40 % Etäopetus
Tradenomikoulutus, liiketalous R
- Englanti
0 - 50
- International Business
- Minna Kangasvieri
- Leena Svanberg
Leena Svanberg
R31D22SInternational Business (full time day studies) Rovaniemi autumn 2022
The student knows the main content of the sector’s essential labour legislation and collective agreements and can apply them.
The student knows the basics of protection of privacy at a work place.
Student is familiar with the payroll and understand the main principles of payroll.
The student knows the connection between payroll and relevant legislations.
He/she is able to make basic payroll calculations.
Competences: Operating in a workplace Competence, Law and Risk Management Competence
- main principles of employment and labour law
- legal factors in recruiting
- legal factors in employment relationship
- termination of employment contract
- protection of privacy at a workplace (GDPR)
- payroll
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Level 1
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student can list main duties and rights of an employer and employee.
He/she can solve simple employment and labour law cases.
The student knows the connection between payroll and relevant legislations.
He/she is able to make basic payroll calculations.
Level 2
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student knows main duties and rights of an employer and employee.
The student understands the connection between payroll and relevant legislations.
He/she is able calculate payroll related calculations.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Level 3
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student is able to demonstrate by using examples the main duties and rights of an employer and employee.
He/she can solve cases by leaning to the given instructions and material.
The student is able to take care of company’s payroll and knows the relevant legal obligations.
Level 4
The principles of essential labour legislation:
Student has good knowledge of employment and labour law.
He/she is able to give correct conclusions and justifications when applying the legislation in most cases.
The student has the knowledge and skills to take care of company’s payroll related specific situations and knowledge of the legal obligations.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Level 5
The principles of essential labour legislation:
The student understands the meaning of legal factors in the field of employment and labour law in an organisation.
He/she can foresee and solve employment and labour law related problems by justifying the decisions with relevant legislation.
The student is able to apply relevant legislation and collective agreements in different payroll situations.
He/she understands the relevance of payroll in a company.